
Prof. Dr. Fr. Etienne Richer (Institut Catholique de Toulouse): Marie, miracle et trône de la Sagesse Eternelle de saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort à saint Jean-Paul II

Apl. Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Sigmund Bonk (Akademisches Forum Albertus Magnus, ): Plato’s “Diotima”, “Sophia, sapientia creata” and “Mary, sedes sapientiae”

Dr. Jörgen Vijgen (Major Seminary Tiltenberg, Pontifical Academy Saint Thomas Aquinas): From Aeterni Patris to Fides et Ratio: a Thomist reading of the Sedes Sapientiae

Dr. Michaël Bauwens (University of Antwerp): The Liar Paradox, truth, and Mary

Prof. Dr. Sr. Theresa Marie Chau Nguyen, OP (University of Saint Thomas, Houston): Contemplating the Contemplative Posture of Mary, Sedes Sapientiae

Dr. Sr. Anne Frances Ai Le, OP: Wisdom as Handmaiden: Viewing Philosophy Through a Marian Lens

Dr. Fr. Ján Dolný: Wisdom in the Religious Philosophy of Vladimir Sergeevich Soloviev (1853-1900)

Dr. Simon Müller, Edward Mezger (University of Munich): Lady Philosophy in Boethius’ Consolation as a paradigm for Christian philosophical inquiry.